Nordrach Cottage 


Nordrach Cottage is well positioned for caving, walking and climbing. It has central heating and is warm and comfortable


Cottage Facilities



Guests Welcome



  • Caving groups
  • Climbing groups
  • Scout and Guide groups
  • Outdoor activities groups
  • Cadet groups
  • Services groups
  • School groups




Cave Keys ...


If you have CCC permits and want to borrow a key to a CCC Ltd controlled cave, or you are a BCA member and want  to borrow a key for a CSCC controlled cave, or you want to borrow a key for an MCG controlled cave, please email the Secretary or Caving Secretary to make arrangements. For a short notice request at a weekend, you might try calling the cottage telephone 01761 462 797 . See here for details about requesting trips into Upper Flood.



Want to try Mendip Caving?



Would you like to try caving before joining the club? 


Find out more.


Mendip Cave Digging


The Mendip Caving Group has a history of cave digging and cave exploration

There is a strong potential for breaking into new passages in many of the Mendip caves

Cave diggers are at work somewhere on Mendip every week

New people are always welcome


Contact the Caving Sec

Become a Member



Find out more




Caving and Social Events

  •  We are a very friendly group with  over 100 members
  •  Pub after most trips!
  •  Saturday Social every Club  Weekend
  •  Annual AGM Dinner
  •  Summer Event

Caving and Social Calendar


Using SRT (Single Rope Technique) to exit from a sea cliff cave


Emergency Contact Details: MCG holds emergency contact details for its members. If you need such details in an emergency, please contact one of the Secretary, Treasurer, Caving Secretary or Tackle Master.

Visit the  Mendip Cave Registry & Archive for details of caves and mines on Mendip

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© Mendip Caving Group 2022. UK Charity Number 1197325 (was UK Charity 270088 until Jan 4th 2022).